

NFT Yard

NFT Yard is a blockchain application (DAPP) that provides a fully decentralized mechanism to create, buy and sell NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) on supported Ethereum sidechains o Layer 2s blockchain.

NFT Yard Smart Contracts on Polygon (MATIC)

NFT Yard maintains a set of smart contracts on Polygon Network (MATIC), which handle the following:

  • NFT Yard Marketplace management for all the sales in the platform.

Matic Mainnet: 0xDF13a4470524668EDE2B10B110280A585EEa2057

  • ERC721 Token, this is where all the NFT tokens are stored and ownership are managed.

Matic Mainnet: 0x2Dd7eA1b9c67115EaC74248ba8E024f1d72A15b1

  • Liker contract, a contract that manages NFT Likes on-chain including a like weight which will be implemented as soon as the ERC20 token gets launched.

Matic Mainnet: 0xfaab63d33C98f9c0D9D57a0833E56E4184283385


Metadata is basically is a JSON file that contains all the information about your NFT. This information is NOT stored in the Blockchain, metadata is usually stored off-chain and that's why it is very important to store this information on a decentralized file storage where the files cannot be modified. NFT Yard utilizes InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). NFT Yard token smart contract has a function called TokenURI which = refers to a metadata URL stored in IPFS. More about IPFS...


Media Storage

The file that you upload during the NFT creation is stored like the Metadata on a decentralized file storage IPFS. When the NFT is created NFT Yard will add a reference on the metadata file to the location of the media in IPFS such as jpg, png, gif, or svg file. More about IPFS.

Smart Contract Data Indexing

NFT Yard make sure to utilizes the latest Blockchain Technology available and follow the lead projects in the space to make sure the data of the smart contracts are easily accessible and fast. For that we use The Graph Indexing services. More about The Graph.

NFT Yard Subgraph

Matic Mainnet:

Matic Testnet:

Last updated